TBM's Guide To: The Guardian
Disclaimer: This guide is my personal opinion on how to optimize and run Guardian's in U21. This by no means is indicative of the best possible methods and I am certain people will have better suggestions than I. Feel free to post in comments and I will review and update accordingly. This is my Guardian, Batcher: My Physical and Tactical Mitigation is capped, I have 100k+ health, 77k Crit Defence and 55k, 35k Block and Parry Rating Respectively. Let's talk about how to accomplish that. 1) Class Traits If you are going to be endgame tanking, you want to mix blue and yellow with 5 points into red's skills damage + rating. I am missing 2 trait points, this will go into completing 3/3 Follow Through and then 1 extra point into anything. If you are soloing or leveling, however, you are going to want to instead focus on combining blue and red to form a really sturdy and durable solo build: Why do you spec into blue instead of red for soloing? In Mordor......